Diy Overnight Under Eye Treatment. However if after 48 hours of home treatments the stye does not respond medical treatments may be considered according to the Cleveland Clinic. Use compress made of milk and turmeric An eye stye can also be drained overnight by applying a compress of warm milk with turmeric.
DIY 2 Homemade Under Eye Creams For Dark Circles Iron deficiency in the body which further leads to iron deficiency induced anemia ferropenic anemia causes unflattering discoloration around the eyes. Lemon oil aids in relieving stress and also contains natural antioxidants 4 5. If you prefer to stick with tried and true basics cucumber slices and tea bags have long been used as quick fixes for puffiness and under-eye bags.
It is an antiseptic and a great exfoliating agent.
You may also choose to use cotton to remove the pack and then wash your face. To treat under eye wrinkles Ayurveda has also suggested the use of turmeric. Let the tea bags chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Turmeric contains antiseptic properties that heal infections quickly.